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Motor & Drive Sets
CNC Kits
Easy Servo
(Closed Loop Steppers)
AC Servo
BLDC Servo
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Motor & Drive Sets

Based on provided products, AMT also offers some motor & drive sets which commonly purchased at discounted prices.  Those sets are available in stepper, easy servo (closed stepper), ac servo, and bldc servo. They are widely implemented in many industrial applications such as CNC machinery, electronics, packaging...

We only list those frequently motor &  drive sets and CNC kits which is only a subset for what we offer. For a complete list for our products, please go to the products page for details.
Easy Servo Motor & Drive Sets

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NEMA 23, 34, and 42 easy servo (closed loop stepper) motor & drive sets for DC, and direct 110/120 or 220/230 VAC voltage input. Step & direction control, no loss of steps, no torque reservation, no tuning... Drop-in replacement of open loop stepper or alternative solution for traditional brushless servo systems.
Stepper Motor & Drive Sets

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Commonly used high voltage stepper & drive motor sets in NEMA 34 & and 42. 110/120 or 220/230 VAC input; high precision, low heating, high torque, smooth motion
AC Servo Motor & Drive Sets

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Leadshine VDC or 220/230 VAC input AC servo motor and drive sets. 100-1Kw rated power, 20-80 VDC or 220/230 VAC input. Control modes of step & direction or  0 -10 VDC, and 2,500 incremental encoder. Advanced control algorithm, high precision, quick acceleration, smooth motion.
Brushless DC Servo Motor & Drive sets

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Leadshine brushless DC (BLDC) servo motor & servo drive sets of 50-180W. NEMA 23 frame size; integrated 1,000-line incremental encoders; 3,000 RPM rated speed; step & direction control. Industrial quality, high precision, low cost.
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